Dapper stapper club:- hiking and other things
Being a Bill Bryson fan, I often enthuse how he sees the world by just walking around. In "Notes from a small island" he often talks about the inherent beauty of the UK, and the unlimited free land where one could walk and climb and relax. Another old walking partner shared this wisdom: whenever you can, walk in the rain, walk in the snow, walk through the forests and fields, walk towards any strip of green....walk in wonder, walk in awe.....and one day - know that your children will walk in the wild....with the memory of it all. 66. Kenhardt se 10km stap vir befondsing van Bybelverspreiding Jeanette se inisiatief het gehelp dat ons saam 76km gestap het tydens ons jagtrippie 65. Elephants Eye Dapper stappers het die stewige klimmetjie aangepak na die grot aan die Tokai kant.....en n R5 coin vir Janru weggesteek in die grot....Lekker stap...eerste stap van 2024. ...