IRONMAN 140.6 miles

1. Ironman PE 2008

Ironman PE 2008 was virgin territory ito the IRONMAN, which has since changed my life a bit.  It was also amazing to find two old friends doing it with me.  Ben Swart who joined us for an adeventure race in Scotland many years ago, and Stef Grobbelaar who shared a bungalow with me during my two year army stint.  My training partner, Jaco Brand as well as a future friend, Frank Smuts also participated.  It was a perfect sea, a windstill cycle, and a very hot run, but we all finished in respectable times. I was very happy with a 12h53 time, as I targeted 13 hours.  All the family from Port Alfred drove through to support.  I shared  a wonderful bottle of wine after the event with Oom Coetzee Brand.  PE has presented the Ironman SA ever since, and is a proud representative city to many international visitors.

I will always remember the start, with the helicopter hovering over the beach and everybody seeding themselves.


11 jaar later doen ek training in PE, en staan voor die begin van die swem......dis moer ver.....ek onthou dat ek heeltyd gefokus het op die hyskraan ver regs.....Elize was op die piere to ons wegspring en die helikopters in die lug......

2.  Vichy 2015

We chose Vichy because the route was flat and fast.  During training rides in the week it proved to be exactly that.  I took a asthma punp with me, and even though Andre Maree warned me to train with it first, I used it on the day of the race.  Then everything went south.  My heartrate was 122 to start the race, and I really struggled to finish this race.  I walked more than two thirds of the marathon, and eventually finished in 15h45.  Not worth a mention, but I thought it was easier to explain why you are slow than explaining why you failed to finish.

Impressed with a lady of 75 years that also finished.

Due to extreme heat and winds on the cycle route, more than 1 third of the athletes bailed on the day.

Elize did the half-ironman the day before, and being her first one had a very good race, albeit that her front derailieur broke and she had to race with the small chain ring only.

Still a very good experience. Alons'y - lets go still sounds in my ears.


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