27 EU countries
Europe has 27 EU countries - Austria (1), Belgium (2), Bulgaria (3), Croatia (4), Cypres (5), Czech Republic (6), Denmark (7), Estonia (8), Finland (9), France (10), Germany (11), Greece (12), Hungary (13), Ireland (14), Italy (15), Latvia (16), Luthiana (17), Luxembourg (18), Malta (19), Netherlands (20), Poland (21), Portugal (22), Romania (23), Slovakia (24), Slovenia (25), Spain (26), Sweden (27) + England (28), Scotland (29) and Wales(30).
10. France
Vichy - central France
Vichy France, officially known as the French State, was a Nazi puppet government that ruled France between July, 1940 and August, 1944. Philippe Pétain, a former general in the French Army and the hero of the World War I battle of Verdun, was installed as ruler of the country during this period and actively collaborated with Nazi Germany, including assisting them in carrying out the Holocaust. In theory, Pétain's rule extended across all of France, but in reality, northern France and the Atlantic coast were under military occupation by Nazi Germany, with Pétain's regime only ruling over southern France and most of France's colonies. The reason the Nazis allowed a French rump state to exist rather than occupying the country completely was to prevent France's vast colonial empire from falling into Allied hands; regardless, most colonies would either rally to the Free French or, in the case of Indochina, fall under Imperial Japanese occupation during the war.The name Vichy France is used because the seat of French government during that time was temporarily moved from Paris to the resort and spa town of Vichy, and also to distinguish Pétain's collaborationist regime from the French government in exile led by Charles de Gaulle. When writings about World War II refer to "France" or "French troops" those usually refer to the Free French resistance led by de Gaulle, and "Vichy France" is used to refer to Pétain's regime.
The name Vichy France is used because the seat of French government during that time was temporarily moved from Paris to the resort and spa town of Vichy, and also to distinguish Pétain's collaborationist regime from the French government in exile led by Charles de Gaulle. When writings about World War II refer to "France" or "French troops" those usually refer to the Free French resistance led by de Gaulle, and "Vichy France" is used to refer to Pétain's regime.
18. Paris, France
1 Augustus 2015
Van Vichy na Parys op die sneltrein, met twee fietse en een moerse sak.
Met ons vorige besoek het ons Parys verken per motor, maar met hierdie besoek het ons besluit om die dag per voet deur te bring. Ons het meer as 20km gestap, en van die van bo tot onder met die Champs elysees gestap, daarvandaan na die Notre Dame en toe deur die Montmatre en weer terug stasie toe.
Daar is min twyfel dat die meeste juweeltjies langs die staproetes is, en nie by die groot besienswaardighede nie.
Ons het in die Kyriad hotel gebly, redelik naby aan die lughawe en die stasie na die middestad toe. Redelik gesukkel met die fietse tot by die hotel, maar vyfster versorging met onbeperkte water, koeldrank en cuppachinos op die boonste vloer.
Die foto links bo is geneem n paar jaar nadat ons saam met die kinders in Parys was. Ons het saam met Ruanda by hierdie selfde tafel gesit en koffie drink, en teruggegaan en n foto geneem.
Parys 16 Jan 2015
Dewald was die vorige jaar in Parys saam met die rugbytoer, en hy was absoluut gatvol om weer in Parys te wees. Hy het mos nou al die Eiffel toring gesien, en ons het eventueel n park buite Parys besoek. Hierdie nege fotos laat mens nogal dink wat jy kan doen met jou land se geskeidenis om toeriste te vermaak.
Ons het die Eiffeltoring twee keer besoek, en met die tweede besoek het ons die trappe uitgeklim tot bo. Ons was baie gelukkig met parkeerplek en kon vir 1 Euro sowat 500m van die ingang af parkeer.
Die Louvre is net so groot dat dit onmoontlik is om orals uit te kom. Charlie Hebdo se moord het net voor ons besoek daar gebeur, en sekuriteit was baie skerp by al die openbare plekke. Dit is die versekeidenheid wat mens beindruk, terwyl die groote van die Mona Lisa jou eintlik teleurstel. Da Vinci het dit iewers in die 1500 geskilder, en die kwaliteit het goed behoue gebly.
Die Egiptiese uitstalling het kuns van 4000 BC tot ongeveer 400 NC. Somige van die kunswerke lyk of dit gister gemaak is. Die Venus de Milo is ook ongeveer 2500 BC.
Parys, Frankryk - eerste besoek in 1992
Ouma Hessie het Ruanda oorgevlieg London toe, en later met die ferry van Dover Parys toe gekom. Ruanda was 2 jaar oud, en McDonalds was nog nie in Suid Afrika nie. Die SA Reserwebank het vir die trip betaal, en ons het in n hotel gebly baie na aan die Champs Elysees. Die hotel het n jaccuzi ingehad, en ons was letterlik 200 meter van die bekendste straat in Parys.
Hessie en Ruanda het met die ferrie oorgekom van Engeland af, en het eers 9h00 die aand in Parys - Gare du Nord aangekom. Die bestuurder van die hotel het dadelik n kamer laat regmaak vir hulle omdat hulle so laat was.
Hessie het ons hier verlaat en sy is terug London toe, waarna ons Zurich toe is. Die balon in Ruanda se hand kom van die McDonalds af, wat vandag nog op dieselfde plek is. Die balon het losgekom van sy steeltjie af, en het oor die 7 bane van die sirkel rondom die Arc d Triomphe gewaai. Hessie het net gebid, here nou moet u help, en die balon het voor ons voete tot stilstand gekom. Sy kon dit optel en vir Ruanda teruggee sonder om die sypaadjie te verlaat.
Die foto van die Mona Lisa is oor almal se koppe geneem, en ek was veral teleurgesteld oor die grootte van die skildery.
"The Mona Lisa is a half-length portrait painting by the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci that has been described as "the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world"
EuroDisney 1991
Gedurende ons eerste Parys trip. kon ons by EurDisney aangaan. Ruanda was in absolute vervoering. Die muis het elke nou en dan uit die teepot geklim, en ons het reg langsaan koffie gedrink. Beauty and the Beast was gewild op die tyd, en Ruanda het op een stadium weggeraak in die Maize.
17. Gdynia, Poland
Gdynia is a port city on the Baltic coast of Poland. It’s known for its modernist buildings, including the Museum of the City of Gdynia, which has exhibits about local history. Kościuszki Square, with a distinctive fountain as its center, leads to the waterfront. The WWII destroyer ORP Błyskawica and 1909 tall ship Dar Pomorza, now museums, are moored on the Southern Pier. Sharks and piranhas inhabit Gdynia Aquarium.
16. Budapest, Hungary
Budapest - hospital in the rock - The Hospital in the Rock Nuclear Bunker Museum is the name given to a hospital created in the caverns under Buda Castle in Budapest in the 1930s, in preparation for the Second World War. During the Siege of Budapest, the hospital handled the wounded and dead. Bodies were sent out of the hospital at night and buried in bomb craters. The hospital was without food or medicine at some points during the siege, with staff having to recycle supplies by taking them from corpses and sterilizing them before reuse. Eventually, horses were brought in and killed for food. The hospital was designed to treat 60–70 patients, but at one point was being used to treat 600 wounded soldiers.Both civilians and soldiers were treated in the hospital with a separate ward for women. German soldiers were also treated in the hospital but they mostly stayed in their own part of the cave system. The facility had its own generators, so they could X-ray patients even during the siege of Budapest, when it was impossible in other hospitals. The hospital was one of the most advanced of its time with state of the art surgical equipment.
15. Szentendre, Hungary
Hungarian town on the Danube River, north of the capital, Budapest. It’s known for its baroque architecture, churches, colorful houses and narrow, cobbled streets. The main square, Fő Tér, and the alleyways around it are lined with art galleries, museums and shops. Just off the square, the 18th-century Greek Orthodox Blagovestenska Church has elaborate decor and an ornate partition screen.
We visited Szentendre after the Budapest Half Ironman, and cycled there and back. It is a quaint little art village.
A friend of us passed away some time ago, and that morning, having coffee at the coffee shops, Elize picked up sugar, and it was aptly named Cafe Christene!
Hungary is bicycle friendly, and most of the cycling was done in the shade. The trip was around 35 k's one way, and is highly recommended. One can take a ferry back to Budapest if the beer prevents you from riding home. I specifically liked the shop with the world war two memorablia that one could actually purchase. Several staaldakke for sale.
14. Brighton beach, England
Brighton beach 1991/2
Elize moes eksamens skryf by die ambassade in London, en Ouma Hessie het saam met my en Ruanda Brighton toe gegaan vir die dag. Treinntrippie en ek onthou die klein straatjies en die klippe op die strand. Die name van die strate in Brighton beach is dieselfde as die in Durban, of as jy rerig wil, die name van die Suid-Afrikaanse weergawe van Monopoly.
13. Warsaw, Poland
I first read about Poland when Jeffrey Archer wrote the book Kane and Abel. Abel Rosnowski was of Polish descent, and his early childhood was described during the war with the Russians.
What I remembered was the pictures of the devastating war that you can find all over the old town, and how the Polish people over more than six decades are trying to rebuild their city . The collage of photos below depict the then and now of the war.
Warsaw se old town is sekerlik een van die mooiste, baie skoon met sangers wat opera songs sing sommer so in die pleine. Ons het heeltemal te min tyd hier spandeer. Ons het gelukkig met die fietse rondgery sodat ons meer kon sien. Oppad trein toe het Elize n papwiel gekry, en ons moes inderhaas wiel regmaak. Dit het sommer begin reen, en dit was hittete of ons het die trein verpas en ons vliegtuig terug na SA gemis.
Ons wou Krakouw ook besoek, maar dit was nie moontlik tydens hierdie besoek nie.
Warsaw het die hoofstad van Pole geword na onafhanklikwording in 1918. Duitsers het Warsaw oorgeneem in 1915. Die versameling oorlogsvoetuie in uitstekende kondisie. Terwyl ons in Poland rondbeweeg het, was die haat jeens die Duitsers baie duidelik. Dit het my laat dink aan Bill Bryson - hy wonder altyd as hy n ouer Duitser sien of daardie persoon juis die Jode op treine na die kampe gestuur het.
Die videoclip verduidelik die impak van die oorlog en die totale commitment van die Pole om weer te herbou. Tydens die treinrit vanaf Warsaw na Gdynia, het ons n Poolse familie ontmoet wat kon Engels praat, en tot vandag is daar steeds n intense haat van die Duitsers spesifiek, alhoewel ons baie Duitse besoekers gesien het.
Ons het die aand laat in Warsaw aangekom, en moes met die fietse ry tot by die hotel. Ek het die Ipad in my hand gebou en so genavigeer. Die hotel (Platinum Residence) se staf was bereid om ons fietse toe te sluit. Ons kon darem nog kos gaan koop by n plaaslike supermark. Die hotel was die beste van al die hotelle wat ons besoek het, regoorkant die Hilton Hotel en teen slegs R1010 vir die nag. Die "old town" is n UNESCO world heritage site. Ons het net een oggend gehad om die gedeelte te explore voordat ons terug gevlieg het SA toe.
Ons het n heerlike ontbyt gehad in die mooiste restaurant. Die koste was slegs R250, en Poland is sekerlik n plek waar Suid Afrikaners nog kan vakansie hou met n rand wat allewig aan die verswak is.
Ons het 5 dae vroeer al ons bagasie in Warsaw op die treinstasie gelos, en ons kon dus met ons fietse die roete vinniger verken. Ons moes natuurlik daarna ons bagasie op die treinstasie afhaal, en oppad stasie toe het n papwiel amper ons terugvlieg gekelder.
Ons het letterlik deurgeglip toe die treindeure toemaak, en gelukkig was daar n barmhartige samirataan om met die bagasie te help. Die fietse moes terug in die fietssakke en daarna moes ons hulle fisies dra. Die foto wys die twee sakke, en Elize se handbagasie.
Ons het uiteindelik die vlug gehaal. Toe ons deur die "checkpoint" gaan, het hulle my gestop omdat ek twee gevaarlike voorwerpe in my tas gehad het. Dit was my Ysterman medaljes, en ek het vir n oomblik gedink hulle gaan dit konfiskeer. Gelukkig kon ek dit hou, en ons was oppad huis toe.
Ons wou Krakouw ook besoek, maar dit was nie moontlik tydens hierdie besoek nie.
Die videoclip verduidelik die impak van die oorlog en die totale commitment van die Pole om weer te herbou. Tydens die treinrit vanaf Warsaw na Gdynia, het ons n Poolse familie ontmoet wat kon Engels praat, en tot vandag is daar steeds n intense haat van die Duitsers spesifiek, alhoewel ons baie Duitse besoekers gesien het.
Ons het die aand laat in Warsaw aangekom, en moes met die fietse ry tot by die hotel. Ek het die Ipad in my hand gebou en so genavigeer. Die hotel (Platinum Residence) se staf was bereid om ons fietse toe te sluit. Ons kon darem nog kos gaan koop by n plaaslike supermark. Die hotel was die beste van al die hotelle wat ons besoek het, regoorkant die Hilton Hotel en teen slegs R1010 vir die nag. Die "old town" is n UNESCO world heritage site. Ons het net een oggend gehad om die gedeelte te explore voordat ons terug gevlieg het SA toe.
Ons het n heerlike ontbyt gehad in die mooiste restaurant. Die koste was slegs R250, en Poland is sekerlik n plek waar Suid Afrikaners nog kan vakansie hou met n rand wat allewig aan die verswak is.
Ons het 5 dae vroeer al ons bagasie in Warsaw op die treinstasie gelos, en ons kon dus met ons fietse die roete vinniger verken. Ons moes natuurlik daarna ons bagasie op die treinstasie afhaal, en oppad stasie toe het n papwiel amper ons terugvlieg gekelder.
Ons het letterlik deurgeglip toe die treindeure toemaak, en gelukkig was daar n barmhartige samirataan om met die bagasie te help. Die fietse moes terug in die fietssakke en daarna moes ons hulle fisies dra. Die foto wys die twee sakke, en Elize se handbagasie.
Ons het uiteindelik die vlug gehaal. Toe ons deur die "checkpoint" gaan, het hulle my gestop omdat ek twee gevaarlike voorwerpe in my tas gehad het. Dit was my Ysterman medaljes, en ek het vir n oomblik gedink hulle gaan dit konfiskeer. Gelukkig kon ek dit hou, en ons was oppad huis toe.
12. Monaco, France
The Monaco Grand Prix is a Formula One motor race held each year on the Circuit de Monaco. Run since 1929, it is widely considered to be one of the most important and prestigious automobile races in the world and, with the Indianapolis 500 and the 24 Hours of Le Mans, forms the Triple Crown of Motorsport.
Ons was in Monaco op 4 Jan 2009, en het die Monaco grand prix roete gery. Dewald het die roete herken omdat hy n tv speletjie gehad het waar jy die roete kon ry. Hier is hy besig om die kaart te lees terwyl ons die roete ry. Ons het van Micheal Schumacher se voorste wegspringplek af begin en die hele roete teen 60km/h afgejaag.
Die video kwaliteit is nie goed nie, but you get the picture...
Die Franse stad is bekend vir sy hawe en sy geskiedenis.....
Die standbeeld is van Juan Michel Fangio sy motor was n Mercedes Benz W194 waarmee hy in 1954 in Monaco gewen het.- The Argentine, born in 1911, may have only raced in Formula One for eight years, but he still managed to win five world championships which stood as the record for almost 50 years. Add to that he won 46% of all his races, set 29 pole positions and managed to achieve all this while in his forties.“Wherever the majestic music of motor racing can be heard; Through the sweeping high-speed curves of Spa, past the sun lit terraces of Monaco, high on the Monza banking, down the historic ribbon of road that is Reims, through the flat wide opened space Silverstone, or winding round the unrelenting Nurburgring. One man stands out, cool and calm amid a split-second world where time is told in tenths: Fangio”
French polar expedition vehicle at the Museum of Oceanology, Monaco. Hierdie foto is wereldbekend en selfs google lens kon dit onmiddelik identifiseer, maar ek kon nie vasstel wie die ekspedisie gelei het en wanneer dit plaasgevind het nie. Daar is wel soortgelyke voertuie met ander nommers.....
Besides the Aqualung, Jacques Cousteau also invented an underwater sled. Jacques utilized a number of submersible marine vessels, such as his iconic yellow submarine.
11. Font Romeu, Southern France
Die pad tussen Font Romeu en Perpignan is een van die mooiste paaie met kronkelende draaie en asemrowende uitsigte van die berge aan weerskante. Daar is twee warmwaterbronne in die klowe, en heelwat klein dorpies met ryk geskiedenis. Ons het by Mont Louis, Bains de St Thoma, Font Predouse, Villefranche de Conflent, Perpignan en Canet aangegaan. Die kaart hieronder wys die N116 na Perpignan, en die fotos is gesorteer in volgorde van die posisie op die kaart.
Font Romeu
Odeillo-via vanwaar ons geski het. Die eienaar Cristina Solanis besit twee woonstelle en ons het by verskillende geleenthede in altwee gebly. Die braaiplekkie links onder is toegesneeu in die winter, maar ons kon steeds n vuurtjie aansteek en die dunste vark- steaks braai. Die kaggel regsonder was elke aand die hoogtepunt na n lang dag in die koue en sneeu. Lang ure sewetjies gespeel by die tafel.
Mont Louis
Since it was founded in 1679, Mont-Louis has experienced an extraordinary military past. In addition to the political decisions made by King Louis XIV, the enlightened plans drawn up by the well-known French architect Vauban and the very active and rigorous surveillance of the Secretary of State for War Louvois, the place has been the home and domain of soldiers! In 1793, the fortress was central to the military events taking place in Cerdagne. Mont-Louis was renamed Mont-Libre. Taking advantage of the chaotic situation in France, the King of Spain used the French regicide as an excuse to send in his troops to invade the entire region of the Pyrénées-Orientales. In Cerdagne, General Dagobert pushed back the Spanish army twice. In July 1793, the Spanish troops occupying the Col de la Perche passage were routed out and in September those camped above Canaveilles were resoundingly defeated. General Dagobert continued his efforts and invaded Spanish Cerdagne and Puigcerdà, where he died in 1794 (Monuent Dagobert stands on Place de l’Eglise). Peace returned on 1 August 1795 and Mont-Libre was essentially used as a storehouse by the army stationed in Cerdagne. Monte-Libre reverted back to its name of Mont-Louis on 24 October 1803. In 1808, Mont-Louis became a huge transit camp and a hospital for the Spanish army. With the Restoration, Mont-Louis’s defensive importance was more related to its topography than to the fortress itself. The work resumed with intensity in 1887 to improve the Mont-Louis’ defences in particular its immediate surroundings. The World Wars saw floods of emigrants crammed within the fortress, during the Spanish Civil War in 1936 before the German Occupation and the liberation of the site by the Free French Forces. In 1946 the fortress reclaimed its original function as a military stronghold when the 11th BPC parachute regiment were stationed there and then in 1964 the site became the National Commando Training Centre.
Die kerk bestaan vandag nog, en die twee fotos links bo is waarskynlik 200 jaar uitmekaar uit geneem.
Met ons tweede besoek in Jan 2017, was daar n markie aan die gang in die dorp, en het ons die tannie ondersteun deur kaas en wors te koop. Die fotos van die twee "wagte" is gedurende ons eerste besoek in Januarie 2015 geneem.L'Eglise Romane
Fort Liberia
Fietse gehuur in Perpignan enmet n kredietkaart betaal. 1 Euro en jy kan die fiets by verskillende plekke neem en teruggee. Die pizza plekkie het middagete verskaf, en die pizzahouer het nogal opgeval. Met n latere besoek aan perpignan was die pizzaplek steeds daar.
Drie keer in Canet gewees - die laaste keer tydens ons Jan 2017 trip - die wind het verskriklik gewaai, en ons het probeer piekniek hou op die strand. Daar was drie Franse anties met dieselfde idee, maar hulle was reeds n paar wyne voor ons. Rooi wyn, franse brood, kaas en gekerfde vleis .....
Geduende 2009 het ons in Canet oorgebly vir 7 dae, en alhoewel dit winter was, kon ons in die openbare swembad swem. Dit was na Ysterman 2008, en ons almal was in goeie swem-shape. Ons het heelwat lengtes ingewerk, en die topless tannie wat voor my geswem het, was nie helemal wat ons hier plaaslik te sien kry nie.
Ons het Oupa Fanie se tyddeel geruil vir vyfsterverblyf.
Ons het soggens probeer hardloop, en een van die roetes was op die Canet strandfront. Baie min mense op die strand, en ons het lighuis toe pad gevat. Daar was darem tyd om te strek en n foto langs die meermin te neem.
Wyn is deel van die Franse kultuur, en ons het een aand n wynproe bygewoon. Die aanbieder was ook die sanger van die kareoke die volgende aand. Nadat hy gehoor het ons is ban Suid Afrika, het hy ons na Joe Gillingham se restaurant aanbeveel. Joe het vir Transvaal rugby gespeel voordat hy Perpignan toe verhuis het. Later met n franse meisie getroud. Dit is onder andere die aand waar Elize Bohemian Rhapsody gesing het, Dewald onmiddelik kamer toe gegaan het en Ruanda onder die tafel gaan wegkruip het. Een van die jongmanne het darem respond "I had the time of my life, mam"
Die wyndrink foto is by die hawe geneem, en ons het sommer langs die pad op n muurtjie piekniek gehou. Sonder wynglas moes ons maar uit die bottel drink. Hierdie was n baie spesiale dag saam met die kids, ons moes rondshop vir kos en wyn, en die wyn was ongeveer 1.5 Euro.
Gedurende die trip het ons die Franse Ope gespeel , en die rekord dui aan dat Deon en Elize die reigning Franse Ope kampioene was......en is.
10 Saariskelka, Finland
The 2019 Iditarod is the 47th iteration of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race held in Alaska. The race began on March 2, 2019, in Anchorage, Alaska, and ended on March 18, 2019 in Nome, Alaska. This race has been a dream for more than two decades, the cost simply do not justify the decision to participate. You need to spend three months with the dogs to understand the team dynamics, and then participate in a race that take between 9 and 12 days to finish. Thus off to the second best option....
Finland numbers some 5.5 million people and has an average population density of 17 inhabitants per square kilometre. There has not been any remarkable growth in the number of population since the inception of modern Finland. This makes it the third most sparsely populated country in Europe, after Iceland and Norway. Population distribution is very uneven: the population is concentrated on the small southwestern coastal plain. About 85% live in towns and cities, with one million living in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area alone. In Arctic Lapland, on the other hand, there are only 2 people to every square kilometre.Finland is a relatively ethnically homogeneous country. The dominant ethnicity is the Finnish people but there are also notable historic minorities of Swedes, Sami and Roma people. As a result of recent immigration there are now also considerable groups ethnic Russians, Estonians, Iraqis and Somalis in the country. 7.1% of the population is born abroad and 4.7% are foreign citizens. The official languages are Finnish and Swedish, the latter being the native language of about five per cent of the Finnish population.[3] From the 13th to the early 19th century Finland was a part of Sweden.Dog sledding has been a dream for many years, and on a recent visit to Finland we made it reality. Etienne and Linda joined us for this trip, and we did a four hour husky trip in the snow forest east of Saariskelka. Amazing dogs that has unlimited energy, that licks the snow on the run to get hydrated, and pee's on the run too. Packs of 6 dogs pull two sledders across the snow at between 18 and 23 kilometers per hour. The cost is about Euro 80 per person, which is used to feed and groom the dogs throughout the year.
Rule one of husky sledding? Don’t let go of the sled. Whatever happens – you don’t let go of the sled. The trip also included a cooking session in some of the traditional Sami-huts where the tour guide served fish soup (see photo below) and home made bread. Traditionally, the Sámi have pursued a variety of livelihoods, including coastal fishing, fur trapping, and sheep herding. Their best-known means of livelihood is semi-nomadic reindeer herding. Currently about 10% of the Sámi are connected to reindeer herding, providing them with meat, fur, and transportation. 2,800 Sámi people are actively involved in reindeer herding on a full-time basis. For traditional, environmental, cultural, and political reasons, reindeer herding is legally reserved for only Sami people in some regions of the Nordic countries.
Dogs trainers work up to 18 hours a day to look after the dogs. Due to our weight, Etienne and I got our own teams, not sharing and changing drivers halfway. Costly, but lots of fun and speed. I tracked the speed on my polar and was amazed that the dogs can easily reach a speed of 23 kms per hour, being totally irritated when you stop for whatever reason. It seems they just run and run and run.
Their housing is wooden dog boxes, but they often sleep in the snow. See the video below for their housing arrangements.....
The video below gives an indication of what it is like, but as all the people leave in one bunch, it is sometimes frustrating as the leader would frequently stop to allow the last sled to catch up. Even so, there is plenty of fun around.
The photos below is a sample of the dogs we used for the trip. The one Elize is holding -top left - has the most beautiful blue eyes.
9. Upsalla, Sweden
Finland is a relatively ethnically homogeneous country. The dominant ethnicity is the Finnish people but there are also notable historic minorities of Swedes, Sami and Roma people. As a result of recent immigration there are now also considerable groups ethnic Russians, Estonians, Iraqis and Somalis in the country. 7.1% of the population is born abroad and 4.7% are foreign citizens. The official languages are Finnish and Swedish, the latter being the native language of about five per cent of the Finnish population.[3] From the 13th to the early 19th century Finland was a part of Sweden.
Dog sledding has been a dream for many years, and on a recent visit to Finland we made it reality. Etienne and Linda joined us for this trip, and we did a four hour husky trip in the snow forest east of Saariskelka. Amazing dogs that has unlimited energy, that licks the snow on the run to get hydrated, and pee's on the run too. Packs of 6 dogs pull two sledders across the snow at between 18 and 23 kilometers per hour. The cost is about Euro 80 per person, which is used to feed and groom the dogs throughout the year.
Rule one of husky sledding? Don’t let go of the sled. Whatever happens – you don’t let go of the sled.
Rule one of husky sledding? Don’t let go of the sled. Whatever happens – you don’t let go of the sled.
Their housing is wooden dog boxes, but they often sleep in the snow. See the video below for their housing arrangements.....
The video below gives an indication of what it is like, but as all the people leave in one bunch, it is sometimes frustrating as the leader would frequently stop to allow the last sled to catch up. Even so, there is plenty of fun around.
The photos below is a sample of the dogs we used for the trip. The one Elize is holding -top left - has the most beautiful blue eyes.
8. Stockholm, Sweden
March 2018
Et en Linda het ons verras en voor ons in Stockholm aangekom. Hulle vliegtuig was vertraag, en die lugredery het besluit om hulle op n vroeer vlug te stuur. Hulle het dus reeds vir ons gewag op die lughawe, terwyl ons gedink het hulle land 6 ure na ons. Elize is hier met al ons bagasie, en ons was verlig dat ons een keer sonder fietse gereis het. Steeds n aansienlike vraggie.
Linda het die Rooi boot vir ons bespreek, en nadat ons aanvanklik gesukkel het om by die boot uit te kom, hoofsaaklik omdat ons nog nie n plaaslike simkaart gehad het nie, het ons uiteindelik die boot van die oorkant van die rivier af gesien. Met n kaart in die hand kon ons darem ons weg vind na die boot toe. Sommer met die intrapslag het ons twee ander Suid Afrikaners ontmoet wat ook op die boot gebly het en in Stockholm was vir n troue. Ons het die middag sommer n glas wyn saam gedrink in die local pub - SA KWV wat ons al die pad saam gekarwy het.
The Red Boat Mälaren is a cozy river side hostel aboard two lovely boats in the heart of Stockholm, within walking distance of everything. It is located where Lake Mälaren and the Baltic Sea meet, where you can watch boats passing through the lock, take a stroll down the small alleys in the historical Old Town only five minutes walk from the boat, or you can have a beer in one of several pubs on Södermalm.
Gamla stan, until 1980 officially Staden mellan broarna, is the old town of Stockholm, Sweden. Gamla stan consists primarily of the island Stadsholmen. Officially, but not colloquially, Gamla stan includes the surrounding islets Riddarholmen, Helgeandsholmen, and Strömsborg. Elize en ek kon die oggend voor ons vertrek Kemi toe die deel verken, en ons het sowat 50 min gehad en moes letterlik hardloop om die gedeelte te sien - Polarprint van ons roete. Twee video clips gee n idee....
Die bekende ghost walk was regtig baie goed, en die aanbieder wat regs op die foto hieronder is, het stories vertel van die geskiedenis en sogenaamde spoke van Stockholm. Polarprint van die roete onderaan. Website:-Ghost walk Gamlastan - Stockholmghostwalk. 'n Videoclip onderaan gee die idee.....
The Red Boat Mälaren is a cozy river side hostel aboard two lovely boats in the heart of Stockholm, within walking distance of everything. It is located where Lake Mälaren and the Baltic Sea meet, where you can watch boats passing through the lock, take a stroll down the small alleys in the historical Old Town only five minutes walk from the boat, or you can have a beer in one of several pubs on Södermalm.
Die bekende ghost walk was regtig baie goed, en die aanbieder wat regs op die foto hieronder is, het stories vertel van die geskiedenis en sogenaamde spoke van Stockholm. Polarprint van die roete onderaan. Website:-Ghost walk Gamlastan - Stockholmghostwalk. 'n Videoclip onderaan gee die idee.....
7. Sangis, Sweden
6. Giellijoka, Finland
We had two hikes in Giellajohka, one into the forest and one to the hermets camp.
Die bosbewoner was n tandarts in Stockholm, en tydens n verhouding met een van sy pasiente, is hy eventueel met n mes gesteek. Hy het dit oorleef, en uitgewyk na die noorde van Finland toe.
Hy het daarna net eenkeer die land verlaat, en sy paspoort en bankboekie is steeds in sy huisie. Hy is gebore op 12 Februarie 1945. Hy het eenkeer die land verlaat in 1991, die datum van die grenspos stempel in sy paspoort. Sy meubels, potte en panne is net soos dit was toe hy dood is.
Ek het nogal gedink hy lyk soos ons eie Johan Bakkes....veral op die foto regsbo. Johan sou seker gese het norrevok die naam van een van sy boeke!
Geillajohka website
Die video links is van ons hike. Die kners van die sneeu onder ons skoene kan op die video gehoor word.
Die totale afstand was net meer as 13 km, en het amper 3 ure geneem in die sneeu. Die pad was oopgery deur snowmobiles, and dit het dit makliker gemaak.![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhXvA4lGe2vNYX89jABi25q0tDL0gTwAPfuZ4tLZjHuPjTTD0ctzJVKnWGzXW9BWUeRAZ-CoGVUwM6eYz7x_6Hvj-Z53xGnWOTr74lsBhCY1wszEiKhbXQFYRyqRfqBVLMvlscn2YJHo9g/s320/20180314_105131.jpg)
Ek het nogal gedink hy lyk soos ons eie Johan Bakkes....veral op die foto regsbo. Johan sou seker gese het norrevok die naam van een van sy boeke!
5. Ivalo, Finland
BackgroundIvalo is a village on the Ivalo River in Lapland, in northern Finland. It’s known as a gateway to Saariselkä, an arctic resort area to the south. To the southeast, Urho Kekkonen National Park is home to pine forests and reindeer. It has trails and seasonal views of the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights). Overlooking the park is the ear-shaped mountain Korvatunturi, which is also the folkloric home of Santa Claus. Many tourists visit this place every year for winter sports (downhill and cross-country skiing, snowboarding, husky and reindeer sledge riding) and for summer activities (trekking and hiking in the Saariselkä fjells, canoeing in Lapland's rivers, mountain biking, panning for gold, fishing, etc.)
Ons het 6 nagte in Ivalo gebly, en 4 daarvan die Northern Lights gesien. Regs bo is n foto van twee reindeers wat op die perseel bly. Et, Linda, Elize en ek het omtrent elke aand n vuurtjie gemaak. Daar was n sleepwa met onbeperkte hout van ons nie kon agterlaat nie. Die eienaars het swaar gekry as ons intrek vir ontbyt. Saans het ons in die restaurant sit en kaart speel - gewoonlik sewetjies.
Ivalo was ons basis waarvandaan ons die honde gery het, geski het. Ek het per ongeluk cabin 7 se sleutel saamgebring Suid-Afrika toe, dalk kan ons dit in die toekoms teruggee. Ivalo het n klein lughawe, en ons was verbaas hoe baie mense gedurende die hoog wintertyd daar was. Almal jaag agter die Northern Lights aan.![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg8lQ1hYKa76t1F_NeuLXtA86htkkeU5MnxsXfDq4trUYAP6pcIZhhJdAark2VPBmLzmvwDC8WpxqjeegfMsZEhc_LmvLrNhNnmhmjNUfJ9hyLiX_FI1o9Vt5xZ6CqZRl9-y__1v8H-_mQ/s400/IMG_20180315_204209.jpg)
Die river camp is sowat 5 km van die dorpie af, en ons kon eendag inloop dorp toe. Die locals het n tipe slee waarmee hulle beweeg waar jy met die een been skop en dan vorentoe gly. Afdraandes word daar dan geski. Die slee is ideaal om sommer jou inkopies mee te vervoer.
Die Ivalo Hotel is op die rivier gelee, en ons het sommer koffie daar gedrink. In die somer moet dit die beste plek wees met die ligging reg langs die rivier. Die plaaslike ekonomie is gebou rondom die sneeu, en dog sledding, ski, en snowmobiles is orals te sien. Die paaie word heeltyd skoon geskraap en dit is eintlik heel veilig om te bestuur. Nagtemperature vries alles wat binne die kar is.
Die foto hierbo is die binnekant van cabin 7. Vier bunkerbeddens, ons het kop aan kop geslaap op die onderste beddens. Die olieverwarmer was die enigste verhitting in die geboutjie, en was so goed soos die beste kaggel. Elektriese drade is someer orals vasgespyker, geen elektriese sertifikate nodig voor okkupasie nie!
Die river camp het n sentrale badkamer, soos by n kampplek, en die stort is enorm groot. n Aparte tuinslang wat aan een van die krane gekoppel is help om die plek weer skoon te spuit nadat jy gestort het. n Sentrale kombuisie het baie proviand soos wat mense wat vertrek hulle goed in die kombuis agterlaat. Skottelgoed moet self gewas word, alhoewel daar min of meer n stel van alles is.
Ivalo is na die tweede wereld oorlog herbou, en die geskiedenis van die tweede wereld oorlog is opgeteken in Wikipedia.
Hout en plantasies in Finland is volop, en alle huise word van hout gebou. Ligblou, geel, dowwe rooi is die oorwegende kleure van die buitekante.http://www.ivalorivercamping.com/
Northern Lights
An aurora, sometimes referred to as polar lights, northern lights, southern lights, is a natural light display in the Earth's sky, predominantly seen in the high-latitude regions. Auroras are the result of disturbances in the magnetosphere caused by solar wind.
Bill Bryson skryf dan ook van hoe hy eenkeer tot bo-in Noorwee moes gaan om die Northern Lights te sien, en na twee weke se wag, hy dit net eenkeer kon sien. Ons het van baie stories gehoor waar mense baie geld spandeer en dit nooit sien nie. Soos orals is die Japanese nou wereldreisigers, en ons het baie Japanese gekry tydens die nagekspedisies op soek na die Northern Lights. Hulle het nuutste tegnologie kameras wat ongelooflike foto's neem. n Gewone selfoon gee nie krediet aan die skouspel wat voor jou afspeel nie.
Op die fotos hieronder is die regterkanste fotos met n selfoon geneem, en die middelste fotos van die skerm van een van die japs se kameras af. Die kleure is baie skerper en verskillend. Die lang foto links is van Elize en Linda met die kleure van die ligte in die agtergrond. Die foto is reg voor ons houthuisie geneem in Ivalo.
Drinking whiskey in Ivalo
Linda het Ballentines whiskey saamgebring, en die bottel het ons gehou tot in Ivalo. Ons het sommer sneeu geskep en as ys gebruik. Et het die video geneem wat duidelike instruksies gee oor hoe jy Skotse whiskey in Finland drink. Drank in Finland word net deur die regering verkoop, en is vrekduur. Daar is n beperkte voorraad Suid-Afrikaanse wyn op die rakke, en KWV en Footprint is die algemeenste. Ons wyn is ook gewoonlik van die goedkoopste.
Bill Bryson skryf in een van sy boeke hoeveel Swede en Finne dronk op straat verskyn, maar ons het amper niks hiervan gesien nie. Almal was gematigde gebruikers. Die dorpies was ooglopend skoon. Die kamplek het sy eie kroeg, en ons was elke aand daar. Ordelike drankgebruik, min vermorsing en rommel. Soms was daar bikers wat gestop het vir n bier. Wyn was onbekostigbaar duur.
Driving in the snow
Die sneeu, en die feit dat daar aan die regterkant van die pad gery word, skep baie uitdagings. Ons een trip was 12 ure lank, en daar is geweldig baie kameras op die pad. Dit bring die gemiddelde spoed af na 80 km per uur toe. Die sproei van die aankomende trokke belemmer soms die sig. Bestuurders word gereeld ingelig dat daar n kamera is and almal gehoorsaam die padreels. Dit was opmerklik hoeveel van die sneeu gesmelt het twee weke later toe ons dieselfde pad terugry.
Op die fotos hieronder is die regterkanste fotos met n selfoon geneem, en die middelste fotos van die skerm van een van die japs se kameras af. Die kleure is baie skerper en verskillend. Die lang foto links is van Elize en Linda met die kleure van die ligte in die agtergrond. Die foto is reg voor ons houthuisie geneem in Ivalo.
Drinking whiskey in Ivalo
Linda het Ballentines whiskey saamgebring, en die bottel het ons gehou tot in Ivalo. Ons het sommer sneeu geskep en as ys gebruik. Et het die video geneem wat duidelike instruksies gee oor hoe jy Skotse whiskey in Finland drink. Drank in Finland word net deur die regering verkoop, en is vrekduur. Daar is n beperkte voorraad Suid-Afrikaanse wyn op die rakke, en KWV en Footprint is die algemeenste. Ons wyn is ook gewoonlik van die goedkoopste.
Bill Bryson skryf in een van sy boeke hoeveel Swede en Finne dronk op straat verskyn, maar ons het amper niks hiervan gesien nie. Almal was gematigde gebruikers. Die dorpies was ooglopend skoon. Die kamplek het sy eie kroeg, en ons was elke aand daar. Ordelike drankgebruik, min vermorsing en rommel. Soms was daar bikers wat gestop het vir n bier. Wyn was onbekostigbaar duur.
4. Raja Jooseppi, Finland and Russian border
Walking through the snow - on a snowmobile track is much easier than struggling through the three feet soft snow and the forest. Imagine what the Germans faced when they entered Russia during winter.....Food, cold, wet and probably no fires, and the endless trek through the forest.
The Raja-Jooseppi homestead is located on the banks of River Luttojoki, close to the Russian border. Behind River Luttojoki, there is a gorgeous view of the hills on the Russian side. Petsamo was part of Finland from 1920 - 1944, which is why the location of the national border has varied during the lives of Jooseppi and Matilda; for quite a long time, they lived at a distance of one hundred kilometres from the Russian border.
Around 1910, Jooseppi (Joosef) Juhonpoika Sallila from Parkano and his partner Matilda Lehikoinen came downstream and onto the bank of River Luttojoki. There was a sauna that had been built by two reindeer men named Uula Valle and Arvid Pokka in the middle of wilderness, and Jooseppi and Matilda settled down in the sauna building. They made their livelihood from gold digging, pearlfishing, fishing, hunting and reindeer husbandry. They also brought cows and sheep to the farm. One sign of prosperity was the large potato field. Hay was mowed from the grounds and the nearby island.
The village is intact, and there is wood in the house next to the fireplace. We made a fire in the old homestead, and then hid a two Rand coin on the top plate of the fireplace. Hopefully someone we know will collect it for us in the future. I stood outside and watched the smoke spiraling to the sky, and thought about this happening around 1910. Things seem to last longer in Europe....unless you allow the Germans and/or the Russians nearby....
As we visited in winter, most of the dwellings were covered in snow. The summer photos were downloaded from the internet. We walked to the village and it took us quite some time to get there.
You follow the Russian border, which is indicated by tape on trees! We were warned not to cross the border, and we made sure we stayed well clear of any trees with yellow tape. It was a surreal experience. I have subsequently read that Russians from St Petersburg cross the border here to shop in Helsinki. We saw little wild life, but spotted some reindeer. They were wild and we could not get any pictures.
Around 1910, Jooseppi (Joosef) Juhonpoika Sallila from Parkano and his partner Matilda Lehikoinen came downstream and onto the bank of River Luttojoki. There was a sauna that had been built by two reindeer men named Uula Valle and Arvid Pokka in the middle of wilderness, and Jooseppi and Matilda settled down in the sauna building. They made their livelihood from gold digging, pearlfishing, fishing, hunting and reindeer husbandry. They also brought cows and sheep to the farm. One sign of prosperity was the large potato field. Hay was mowed from the grounds and the nearby island.
You follow the Russian border, which is indicated by tape on trees! We were warned not to cross the border, and we made sure we stayed well clear of any trees with yellow tape. It was a surreal experience. I have subsequently read that Russians from St Petersburg cross the border here to shop in Helsinki. We saw little wild life, but spotted some reindeer. They were wild and we could not get any pictures.
3. Selkasaaren, Norway
Kemi Snow Castle is an annual landmark to be built in Kemi. Snow Castle has been built since 1996 every winter. Now, some of Snow Snow is open throughout the year when SnowExperience365 is open every day of the year in the main building of the Snow Castle.
Santa's seaside office - harbour of Kemi
2. Ljusne, Sweden
Ljusne is a locality situated in Söderhamn Municipality, Gävleborg County, Sweden with only 1,917 inhabitants.
We slept over in a guesthouse on out last stay before returning to SA. We has pizza on the last night, and eventually left the braai gris as a gift to the family. It was the same braai grid we used in Sangis and Ivalo.
We must be the only family that traveled with a braai grid all the way from South Africa!
Travelling back from Finland, we noticed that in short period the snow started melting, and the road conditions were significantly better.
1. Brussels - was ons daar?
Brussels is Belgium’s capital and home to the European Union headquarters. The Grand-Place square at the heart of the city has shops and cafes inside ornate 17th-century guildhouses, and the intricate Gothic Hôtel de Ville (town hall) with a distinctive bell tower. The 19th-century Maison du Roi houses the Musée de la Ville de Bruxelles city-history museum, including costumes for the city’s famed Manneken Pis statue.
Ons het in die Botel Barry gebly, wat aan die einde van die old town se kant was. Hier sit Elize en wag terwyl Piet besig was om die kraan in sy kamer oop te vergeet. Dit het uiteindelik amper n uur geneem om net die water op te droog. Die aarheid oor die storie het nog nooit uitgekom nie.
Regoor die hotel was daat, in die middel van die park, n buite"krip" waar die manne kan inloop om te pie, sonder pm die geselskap te onderbreek. Ek het die eerste keer hiervan gelees in Bill Bryson se boek, en om dit in werklikheid te sien, is baie wierd.....soos hieronder gesien kan word.
We ended our trip as a blended family with dinner at the Da Kao II - a vietnamese restaurant in Brussels. The next three pictures were taken at the restaurant. It was excellent value for money. Een van die storietjies het begin waar ek in Italiaans wyn bestel het, en die kelnerin vir Piet hoendboutjies gebring het. Ons het ook gesukkel om n tweede bottel wyn te bestel en Piet moes uiteindelik self die wyn uit die wynrak gaan haal.
The name Manneken Pis was first mentioned in archives dating back to 1452. Before that, he was named Petit Julien and was a part of a public fountain on the same street corner. The stone statue was replaced by a bronze sculpture made by Hiëronymus Duquesnoy the Elder in 1619 - Die oorspronklike manneken Pis is nou in n museum, en die replika is te sien reg langs die Poeshenelle Kelder, waar ons die meest van die dag deurgebring het. Ons het kaart gespeel om dat meeste van ons moeg getoer was.
Authentic tavern located close by the Manneken Pis, the Poechenellekelder remains a reference for both Brussels residents and tourists alike. Subdued atmosphere and walls covered with old photos and engravings give the place a true charm.
We had two different beers and consumed enough of them for a R1500 bill - paid below in Euros. The waitress also sold us the bottles in which the beer was served....in this case a Barber lager - we are still using it at home for olive oil!!
Destruction and rebuilding of the Grand Place
On 13 August 1695, a 70,000-strong French army under Marshal François de Neufville, duc de Villeroy, began a bombardment of Brussels in an effort to draw the League of Augsburg's forces away from their siege on French-held Namur in what is now southern Belgium. The French launched a massive bombardment of the mostly defenseless city centre with cannons and mortars, setting it on fire and flattening the majority of the Grand Place and the surrounding city. Only the stone shell of the town hall and a few fragments of other buildings remained standing. That the town hall survived at all is ironic, as it was the principal target of the artillery fire.
The Grand Place was rebuilt in the following four years by the city's guilds. Their efforts were regulated by the city councillors and the Governor of Brussels, who required that their plans be submitted to the authorities for approval. This helped to deliver a remarkably harmonious layout for the rebuilt square, despite the ostensibly clashing combination of Gothic, Baroque and Louis XIV styles.
During the following two centuries, the Grand Place underwent significant damage. In the late 18th century, Brabant Revolutionaries sacked it, destroying statues of nobility and symbols of Christianity. The guildhalls were seized by the state and sold. The buildings were neglected and left in poor condition, with their facades painted, stuccoed and damaged by pollution.
By the late 19th century, a sensitivity arose about the heritage value of the buildings – the turning point was the demolition of L'Étoile guild house in 1852. Under the impulse of then-mayor Charles Buls, Brussels' authorities had the Grand Place returned to its former splendour, with buildings restored or reconstructed. In 1856, a monumental fountain commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the reign of King Leopold I was installed in the centre of the square. It was replaced in 1860 by a fountain surmounted by statues of the Counts of Egmont and Horn, which was erected in front of the King's House and later moved to the Small Sablon. Thirty years later, during the Belle Époque, a bandstand was raised in its place. In 1885, the Belgian Labour Party (POB-BWP), the first socialist party in Belgium, was founded during a meeting at the Grand Place.
The Grand-Place is the central square of the City of Brussels. All over the world it is known for its decorative and aesthetic wealth. The Grand-Place is surrounded by the guild houses, the City Hall and the Maison du Roi. The Grand-Place is considered as one of the most beautiful places of the world.
The Town Hall (French: Hôtel de Ville, Dutch: Stadhuis) is the central edifice on the Grand Place. It was built in several stages between 1402 and 1455 and is also the square's only remaining medieval building. The architect and designer is probably Jean Bornoy with whom Jacob van Thienen collaborated. The young Duke Charles the Bold laid the first stone of the right wing in 1444. The architect of this part of the building is unknown. Historians think that it could be William (Willem) de Voghel who was the architect of the city of Brussels in 1452, and who was also, at that time, the designer of the Aula Magna of the palace of Philip the Good. The Gothic tower of 96 m (315 ft) is the work of the architect Jean van Ruysbroeck. At its summit stands a 5 m (16 ft) tall statue of Saint Michael, the patron saint of Brussels, slaying a demon.
The Town Hall is asymmetrical, since the tower is not exactly in the middle of the building and the left part and the right part are not identical (although they seem at first sight). An old legend known to the people of Brussels tells that the architect who designed the building committed suicide by jumping from the top of the belfry after realising his "mistake". In fact, the two parts were not built together.
The Grand Place is lined on each side with a number of guild houses and a few private houses. In their current form, they are largely the result of the reconstruction after the bombardment of 1695. The strongly structured facades with their rich sculptural decoration including pilasters and balustrades and their lavishly designed gables are based on Italian Baroque with some Flemish influences.
Between Rue de la Tête d'or/Guldenhoofdstraat and Rue au Beurre/Boterstraat (west):
- № 1: Le Roy d'Espagne (Dutch: Den Coninck van Spaigniën; "The King of Spain"), House of the Corporation of Bakers, built in 1696.[14] Originally, the three bays to the right of the entrance formed an independent house (Saint-Jacques), accessible through a door located on Rue au Beurre/Boterstraat. The very dilapidated building was completely rebuilt in 1901–1902. It is decorated with busts of Saint Aubert (patron saint of bakers) and Charles II of Spain.
- № 2–3: La Brouette (Dutch: Den Cruywagen; "The Wheelbarrow"), House of the Corporation of Greasers since the 15th century, built in stone in 1644. The facade partly resisted the bombardment of 1695 and was rebuilt in 1697 under the direction of Jean Cosyn.[15] Decorated with a statue of Saint Giles (patron saint of greasers), it was restored in 1912. The left door opened into a now disappeared alleyway that led onto Rue au Beurre.
- № 4: Le Sac (Dutch: Den Sack; "The Bag"), House of the Corporation of Carpenters, whose tools decorate the facade since the 15th century. Built in stone in 1644, partly spared by the bombardment, it was rebuilt by the carpenter Antoine Pastorana in 1697.[16] This house was restored in 1912 by the architect Jean Seghers. Nowadays, the House of the Belgian Master Chocolatiers is located in this building.
- № 5: La Louve (Dutch: Den Wolf or Den Wolvin; "The She-Wolf"), House of the Oath of Archers, built in 1690 by Pierre Herbosch.[17] In 1696, the facade was rebuilt with a horizontal cornice, surmounted by a base where a statue was placed of a Phoenix rising from the ashes, symbol of the reconstruction of the city after the bombardment. The decorated pediment of Apollo was restored in 1890–1892 by the architect of the city of Brussels, Victor Jamaer, according to the original drawings. The bas-relief represents Romulus and Remus suckling the she-wolf.
- № 6: Le Cornet (Dutch: Den Horen; "The Cornet"), House of the Corporation of Boatmen since the 15th century, rebuilt in 1697 by Antoine Pastorana who drew its gable in the shape of a ship stern.[18] The sculptures are by Peter van Dievoet, and by a contract passed on 3 April 1697, the deans of the Trade of Boatmen entrusted Peter van Dievoet with the execution of the whole sculpting of the facade. The building was restored from 1899 to 1902.
- № 7: Le Renard (Dutch: In den Vos; "The Fox"), House of the Corporation of Haberdashers since the 15th century, rebuilt in 1699.[19] It contains bas-reliefs above the ground floor, allegorical sculptures of the four continents, and at the top, a (now disappeared) statue of Saint Nicholas, patron of haberdashers.
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